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Thursday 8 December 2022


EHRBAR SAAL - Mühlgasse 28, 1040, Vienna

An Advent evening with Johann Sebastian Bach


Bach's music only


Keyboard: Tamara Atschba, Elizaveta Tomanova, Misho Kandashvili,

Denys Dragan, Tymofii Zherebtsov


Strings: Louise Chisson, Maria Katugina, Evgenii Artemenkov



«Ein Abend voller Ruhe und Freude.»


1 adult ticket: 15€

Seniors from 65+ : 10€

Groups, from 10 people: 10€ pro person

Children and students: 5€


Seniors and students will have to show an ID when getting their tickets, thank you.

Reservation required on:


You can buy your ticket here with your credit card and pick it up before the concert:




or buy it at the Hall, before the concert from 18h45 (cash only)



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